沃望德家具品牌前身為意高家具,創立于2002年,是一家集辦公空間規劃、研發與設計、 生產與銷售、服務于一體的現代專業辦公家具企業。先后與ACTIU、KRISTALIA、MOHAWK GROUP等品牌達成戰略伙伴,以確保精湛的家具工藝水平,引領先進時尚的辦公家具潮流。旗下產品涵蓋:辦公桌椅、軟體沙發、文件柜、茶幾、地毯等系列,以期為客戶提供個性化、多元化和高品質的一站式辦公空間解決方案。
Founded in 2002, Work Wonders grew out of the ECO brand, which is a modern professional office furniture enterprise integrating office space planning, research and design, production and sales and service. We has successively reached strategic partners with ACTIU, KRISTALIA, MOHAWK GROUP and other brands to ensure exquisite furniture craftsmanship and lead the trend of advanced and fashionable office furniture. Our products include office desks and chairs, soft sofas, file cabinets, tea tables, carpets and so on, to provide customers with personalized, diversified and high quality one-stop office space solutions.